Sunday, May 22, 2011


I once cared about politics and economics with an attention to detail that would surpass the scrutiny of the Matrix. Heck, I ran for mayor at 18.

Now I increasingly find myself listening to these debates with an apathetic attitude. I still identify as pro-choice, pro-marriage equality, pro-libertarian socialism, pro-abolition of the Drug War, but the systematic corruption and barriers enacted against meaningful discussions put forth by the people are just unbearable. I don't debate. Not because I put myself above others' conclusions, but because I don't really care either way, and it's kinda depressing. But not really. Especially when the media parrots names (Ron Paul! Obama! Nader!) instead of actual positions.

"My life is music, and music is life."

I find myself finding comfort in more individual pursuits like philosophy, dance, music, social gatherings, and literature.

Consider me jaded.

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